About Faith Matters
We seek to be a companion to individuals on their journey of faith and spiritual transformation. We hold honest, thoughtful and expansive conversations about the restored gospel and how we experience it both in our personal lives and in our church community.
We serve as a catalyst in promoting faith and flourishing. We hope to accompany and inspire individuals on the path of transformation—in the process of waking up and growing up in Christ.
We sustain the institutional church and its leaders. Though an ally of the church, we exist and act as an independent organization. We take inspiration from D&C 58:26-28:
“For behold, it is not meet that I should command in all things …Verily I say, men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness; For the power is in them, wherein they are agents unto themselves.”
We are animated by a spirit of openness and honesty. We do not shy away from difficult topics, but face them with faith and courage.
We seek out thoughtful and articulate conversation partners who, in the spirit of good faith, offer unique and rich perspectives. We are inspired by Elder BH Roberts’ admonition to us all to take part in the ongoing Restoration:
I believe ‘Mormonism’ affords opportunity…for thoughtful disciples who will not be content with merely repeating some of its truths, but will develop its truths …The Prophet planted the germ-truths of the great dispensation of the fullness of times…The disciples of Mormonism, growing discontented with the necessarily primitive methods which have hitherto prevailed in sustaining the doctrine, will yet take profounder and broader views of the great doctrines committed to the church; and, departing from mere repetition, will cast them in new formulas…until they help to give to the truths received a more forceful expression, and carry it beyond the earlier and cruder stages of its development. (B.H. Roberts, The Improvement Era, 1906)
We are animated by a spirit of expansiveness. We believe in casting a wide gospel net to embrace a wide diversity of people and thought, from within and from outside our faith. We are inspired by a theme often repeated by the founders of our faith:
Our religion… embraces all truth, wherever found, in all the works of God and man… (Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, vol.10:50)